Remigio's correspondence
Remigio's Correspondence
I’m not really surprised to hear that Fahul is complaining about living in a tannery, the fastidious little weasel. I’m pretty sure Vaaz just wanted him out of his hair when he assigned him to you. If he keeps giving you a headache, remind him what the alternative is. I doubt he’ll find the noxious fumes of this sewer we’ve been gifted under the bathhouse any better.
Expect more Fists from the Frolicking Nymph within the tenday. And probably a couple of Night Blades. Now that the Agent has his operation fully established, he should be able to start feeding us targets at a faster clip.
Master of Souls,
I hope all things are well. I have heard complaints from one of my Fists, but I assure you that neither I nor the Emissary lend it any credence. The Emissary does suggest, however, that your minions begin dumping the bodies farther afield. He wants us to “spread the terror,” and is also concerned that the park may become a security concern.
Poseidon Papers
Hazel skin. Green eyes. Dark brown hair braided in two tresses.
Residence: Cuiric’s Boarding House
Relation: Great-Grandmother
She lives near the Frolicking Nymph. An abduction squad or observers could be sent from the bathhouse if it would be easier.
You can download both of these handouts in PDF format.